向我看 跟我干 我的岗位是示范 ——我校召开全体党员大会



On December 11th, NFLSFC held a meeting during which the school’s party members learnt about the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee (CPCCC). In the meeting, participants read a document entitled Committing Oneself to Being Both a Party Member and Teacher. Party members were called upon not to shy away from their responsibilities as both teachers and party members, and to be role models in pursuing excellence in education and teaching. NFLSFC Party Secretary Zhou Shidong, Vice Principal and representative of the Discipline and Inspection Committee Li Xiaofu, Vice Principal and representative of the Publicity Committee Chen Libin, alongside all other NFLSFC party members attended the meeting. Sun Yangyang, representative of the Organization Committee, hosted the meeting.


Chen Libin, Vice Principal and representative of the Publicity Committee, talked about four different aspects from the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPCCC meeting. These included the sessions background, major points, focal points and general calls for action. He called upon Party members to continue in their solidarity with the CPCCC and its leader, Xi Jinping, to strengthen the four awarenesses, four self-confidencesand achieve the two safeguards. Chen urged participants to carry forward the soul of this plenary session, always strive to achieve more in their work, and always be both effective and innovative.



Next, Li Xiaofu, Vice Principal and representative of the Discipline and Inspection Committee, read Committing Oneself to Being Both a Party Member and Teacher. NFLSFC is at a crucial stage in its development. Thus, it is important that all staff Party members show their allegiance to the Party. Beyond this, staff Party members must be disciplined and dedicated, act as role models, be professional and principled, ensuring students are well-looked after and parents are respected. All Party members should be proactive in showing their Party membership, and be open to accepting constructive criticism from other teachers, students and parents. They are required to work to a high-standard, setting an example to those around them.



Finally, Secretary Zhou Shidong gave a closing speech, during which he noted that learning from the fourth plenary session of the 19th CPCCC meeting is an important political task. Schools are where the future of the Party is forged, students being the Partys future members. Thus, teachers must undertake the fundamental task of fostering character and civic virtuein our students. Both teachers and students should be well-versed in Party theory in order to strengthen their political and ideological awareness, alongside their ability to take action. Secretary Zhou emphasized that this meeting is a way to ensure our school continues to remain true to its founding mission. Staff Party members must keep their responsibilities in mind and fulfill all obligations, ensuring they keep themselves in check to be both accomplished teachers and Party members to help our school achieve excellence in education and teaching quality. 


The meetings content was clear-cut to those participating, helping Party members further strengthen their ideals and convictions, and be clear about their goals and tasks. Staff Party members will continue to improve their guidance and teaching of students, remain in line with Party ideology, be positive role models of the Party, and make consistent efforts to educate our students to be modern talents with Chinese soul and global vision.






我作为一名光荣的党员教师,担负着教书育人的重任,为争做一名师德高尚的教育工作者,我向光荣的教师职业以及学校、学生、家长郑重承诺:    1.爱。拥护党的领导,认真履行党章规定的义务,自觉遵守党纪党规。学习践行习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,增强“四个意识”(政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识),坚定“四个自信”(道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信),做到“两个维护”(坚决维护习近平总书记党中央的核心、全党的核心地位;坚决维护党中央权威和集中统一领导),为实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦作出新贡献。


3.敬业奉献热爱学校,勤于进取,精于业务,无私奉献。自觉维护学校荣誉,努力做到认真备课、上课、批改、辅导,在教学工作中贯彻因材施教、分层指导的原则,加强教学工作的针对性和实效性,高质量地完成教学工作。    4.教书育人。全面实施素质教育, 培养“中国灵魂,世界胸怀”现代英才,造就有理想,有道德、有文化、有纪律的中国特色社会主义的建设者和接班人。在教学中要注意对学生的德育渗透,做学生表率。

5.为人师表努力践行社会主义核心价值观,坚守高尚情操,遵守社会公德,在社会上时时处处树立良好的教师形象。团结协作,尊重同事,善于听取不同意见,不断完善自己。不利用职务之便谋取私利,不搞有偿家教。    6.终身学习。拓宽知识视野,更新知识结构。努力学习教育教学理论,不断提高专业素养和业务水平;按时参加各级各类教育教学研究活动,以研促学、以研促教,大胆创新,不断提高教育教学水平。    7.关爱学生。尊重学生人格,保护学生安全,关心学生健康,维护学生权益。克服简单粗暴、歧视后进学生的思想和行为,不以任何形式体罚或变相体罚学生。    8.尊重家长。主动与家长保持联系,认真听取家长的意见和建议,取得支持与配合。不训斥、指责家长,不收受家长礼物。    希望来自于努力,成功来缘于奋斗,我深知身上肩负着教书育人的重任。我会将教书育人的职责,化于心头;我会将教师职业道德规范,记于脑中、用于实践;我会将爱心奉献于学生。真心服务于家长,恒心钻研于教育,我会努力实践我的诺言,决不辜负人民教师这个光荣称号。



文章来源:南外方山分校党支部 未经授权 禁止转载